Speed Up Your Website – Call Terry on 0468 420 470 For Free Quote to Speed Up Your Website

Check How Fast Your Website Loads

It Is Easy To Check How Fast Your Website Loads … Simply go to GT Metrix and you can test it for free.  However, improving the speed is a whole different story.  GT Metrix will tell you what needs fixing, by doing it can be be quite complicated.  Or it can be as simple as ringing Terry on 0468 420 470 and let us do it for you.

WordPress creates anew the pages you show to your would-be clients every time someone goes to your website – not ideal for your clients or Google.  Not only does this take up a lot of resources on your Web Host, it slows delivery of your pages.  A “Cache”plugin helps fix this but there are so many different cache plugins to choose from, and in our opinion none of them alone does a perfect job.

Using GT Metrix is free but you can get a paid account if you wish.  With the free account, your website is analysed from GT Metix’s servers in Vancouver Canada, but the paid options do include Sydney. Which is best? Depends on whether you are selling only in Australia or Worldwide.  However, it is the IMPROVEMENT in web speed that counts, so if using the Vancouver option tells you that you have gone from a 6-second load to a 2.4-second load this is the real measure of success.

We use Vancouver because that is the only location that measures desktop, tablet and mobile results, but you do need a paid account to do this.  However, unless you know a fair bit about websites there is a danger that you will get overwhelmed – leave it to the experts and concentrate on what you are good at.

check how fast your website loads

There is plenty of free info at GT Metrix to tell you how to check how fast your website loads but you will probably find it difficult to understand.  If you can do it on your own, great – if not, call Terry on 0468 420 470